Don’t Stop Believing God’s Promises

believing God's promises scripture verse

“Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45 NIV

As I read this verse, a gnawing question confronted me, “How many times do I doubt God’s ability to fulfill his promises in my life?” Am I more of a Zachariah who doubted what the angel Gabriel said when he delivered news about the birth of his son and with uncertainty asked, “How can I be sure of this?” (Luke 1:18). Or am I on Mary’s side who, in a similar situation, simply said, “May it be to me as you have said?” (Luke 1:38).

Our reactions reveal our faith

Both people received some outrageously unexpected baby news. Both people were in impossible situations. Zachariah’s response was one clothed in doubt as he questioned how two people in old age could possibly give birth to a son. Mary, who was a virgin BTW, grabbed a hold of the angel’s words when he reminded her, “For nothing is impossible with God.” She did not falter in her faith, but replied, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”It’s not about the news we receive, but how we react to that news that reveals our faith. It’s not about the news we receive, but how we react to that news that reveals our faith. Share on X Do I truly believe nothing is impossible with God? Or if you dissected my heart would you see that I actually believe some things are impossible – even for God?

I trust Him with my eternity, but how I am doing trusting him with the troubles of my today?

A promise provided

At the end of 2016, God gave me a promise from His word. It was like a nudge I needed to clutch this word tightly and carry it with me on my upcoming journey. I would soon be moving from the US to Uganda. Fears overflowed in my mind and heart about starting a new life in a foreign land. I was abandoning every comfort, person, and place I had ever known. But His word whispered to my heart, “Now the Lord has given us room and WE WILL flourish in the land.” (Genesis 26:22).

The Lord will often repeat a word He has given me to make sure I’ve registered his message.

Anybody else need multiple reminders like me? Shortly after receiving this verse, I was at a mall trying on a wedding dress. There were two girls ahead of me with a wedding dress to try on. I, on the other hand, was alone. The employee crams the two girls in a normal-sized dressing room. When she looks at me next she says with a grin, “I’m going to put you in the special dressing room.” It was the biggest dressing room they had with a mirror that stretched from wall to wall. I couldn’t comprehend what would make her put the solo shopper in the biggest dressing room and make two girls share a smaller room.  Immediately, my mind went to God showing me, in a tangible way, how He will give me room to flourish in the land.

Do you have a promise from the word of God to focus on?

If not, my challenge to you this week is to prayerfully ask Him for a promise to believe in and pray over. Feel free to share it with me too. I want to believe with you every step of the way, through the smooth sailing and the rocky terrain on your personal journey. Let’s link arms together as we embark on new adventures.

Praying that promise

Lord, reveal to me the places in my heart where doubt has made its home and eliminate it. My desire is to be a woman (or man) of bold faith. Even if my circumstances look bleak or backward, I want to say with confidence that what you’ve spoken over my life will be accomplished. Help me to place my confidence in you and your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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