Welcome to our ‘Freedom From’ series where every month we share stories of women who have found freedom from a hurt, habit, or hang up and want to encourage others that freedom is for them too. Today we are talking about fear with Julie Hamilton, a wife and mother of two who is helping women go deeper in their faith through her ministry Flourish: Foundations in Faith.
How the fight against fear started
After my boyfriend and I broke up in 2009, I realized I had a huge, paralyzing fear of the future. I realized that I did not truly trust God with my future. I had been like the man who built his house on the sand and didn’t know it. However, there was one day where everything changed for me in regards to my crippling fear. It may sound crazy, but during a Campus Crusade Winter Conference, I had a vision of Jesus asking, “Do you trust me?” He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. And he had the biggest, knowing smile. As if he had a huge surprise for me.
I wish I could say that after seeing the vision of Jesus, I immediately trusted him, but it was a process. I knew the only promises I could count on were from the word of God, so I dove deeper in Scripture than ever before. Day by day I began to learn how to trust and slowly began to see tangible change in my life.
How life has changed since finding freedom from fear
Through studying the word of God, I truly have learned to trust God. My life is not without trouble, but I now truly trust that God will be faithful through it. I know that my life is a brief vapor and can now live in the freedom that brings. If you find yourself also fighting fear or anxiety, I would love to remind you that God is faithful. He is trustworthy. You can be delivered from a paralyzing fear of the future. But you have to read your Bible. Dig in. Study it. Get to know the one who is in control of the future. You cannot trust someone you don’t know.

Julie Hamilton lives in North Texas with her husband and two children. She has a ministry called Flourish: Foundations in Faith that focuses on teaching women Bible basics to help them go deeper in their faith, and inspire them to make an eternal impact. You can find out more about Julie and her wonderful ministry by following her Instagram, Facebook, or website.
Good for you Julie 🙂
Fear does paralyze! We thank God who hasn’t given us a spirit of fear – but of love, power and a sound mind!!
To continuing to believe God!!