I displayed a sign proudly on my desk at work that said, “Ask me for the laugh of the day.” I would share a silly joke with any innocent bystander willing to take me up on the offer. Laughter rippled across cubicles as I shared cheesy jokes that should never see the light of day. Shortly after I started spewing out jokes, I began an intensive nine-month healing journey to recover from pain in my past. Dejected and deflated, I tucked the sign away in a drawer.
For a season, life lost its color and I lost my laugh.
A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. (Proverbs 15:13)
My spirit had been crushed, but Jesus longed to restore my brokenness. As He tenderly returned laughter to my life, a new fervor erupted inside of me to loan laughs to others that may have lost their laugh along the way too.
Laughter can’t erase our pain, but it can ease it.
This revelation birthed the Laugh Stand.
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