The other morning I wanted to whip up scrambled eggs for breakfast. With two eggs cracked and in the bowl I went to grab the final egg to join its friends. As I cracked it on the side of the glass bowl not only did a dark liquid seep into the bowl, but the egg cracked in such a fragmented way that its juice launched out like a missile and came crashing onto my clothes.
Immediately the revolting, foul odor made my stomach lurch and my gagging reflex shift into high gear. I clutched the counter as the putrid smell assaulted my senses. Ridiculously, I contemplated attempting to save the good yolks from the effects of the bad yolk, but as the grayish liquid began to expand and greet the bright, yellow yolks in the bowl I knew I had to count my losses. My breakfast which was perfectly fine two eggs in became contaminated by the third egg’s presence.
I stripped off my rotten-egg peppered clothes, rushed the trash to the bin outside, opened wide every door for fresh air and doused myself in GermEx knowing if I didn’t take the extra measures to separate the stench from my place it would reek and become a scented stain. I sat down to reflect on the breakfast fiasco only to notice the real-life example of Paul’s reminder to me in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Bad company corrupts good character.”
If I’m a good egg, I shouldn’t go yoking up with a rotten egg. Eventually, what’s on the inside of a rotten egg will weave itself with what’s the inside of me. It’s wiser to stay separate from someone who is influencing me in a negative way instead of getting tangled up their behavior that can have devastating effects on my character.
Oh, how that stepped on my toes! This really spoke to me, especially this: It’s wiser to stay separate from someone who is influencing me in a negative way instead of getting tangled up their behavior that can have devastating effects on my character.
Thank you for sharing the truths God is laying on your heart!
I love how you describe the impact! I can see why all kinds of people would want to yolk up with you though. You are simply the best!