I sat with a friend in a restaurant when he turned to me and said, “Tiffany, one day you will be in a place where you will need to stir your affections for the Lord.” I stared at him appalled by this statement. How could I ever fall out of love with Jesus or need […]
All things work for good?

I walked through the doors of the church as a last resort in my life, feeling beat up from incurring one too many brutal blows to my heart. As I inched closer to Jesus, I’ll never forget one of the first sermons I heard. The pastor used a cookies reference to explain how God takes […]
2020 Vision – My List of 100 Dreams

At the start of the new year (when we were all still thinking 2020 was going to be ‘our year’), I decided to organize and host a 2020 vision board party for the very first time. As part of the pre-work before attending the party, I asked the attendees to brainstorm 100 dreams for their […]
Scarcity Leaves Scars

Three years ago I counted every shilling. I remember standing in my kitchen trying to decide if I should scramble eggs or boil them to make them last longer and go further.
What it’s like going back to America after living overseas for a year

The time was drawing near. I would soon be heading back to America after spending 15 months in Uganda. What made it even sweeter was – after multiple visa denials – my husband would be traveling with me too. An answer to prayers made by many. I honestly thought this long-awaited day would never come. […]
“How long?”

“How long?” In Psalm 13, David repeats this question four times. How long, O Lord, will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? How long, […]
How I knew my husband was the one

Today my husband and I are celebrating our two year anniversary. To commemorate the day, I wanted to share a never-been-told story – the moment I knew I wanted to spend forever with Ashiram. For those who aren’t familiar with our love story, let me give you a quick overview. Ashiram, who was living in […]
What I learned during three weeks of temporary parenting

In Uganda, children get a long break from school over the Christmas holiday. Most kids are out of school from the beginning of December to the beginning of February. My husband and I decided it would be good to have Harunah, the boy my mother-in-law takes care of, come stay with us in the city […]
When rejection reveals your purpose

Right after college, I went headfirst into a corporate environment. My goal was to get my foot in the door and rise up in the ranks. In typical Millennial fashion, a fire ignited inside of me at the thought of all the possibilities within my reach. To my surprise, I actually loved my job as […]
I’m secretly sipping from the cup of comparison

I’m secretly sipping from the cup of comparison, but all it’s doing is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Chances are either you, or a friend of yours, has taken a break from social media because they feel inundated with “my life is better than yours” messages on a daily basis. You can go […]