Call Me Mara: What Jesus taught me through Bruce Jenner

I never thought I would start a blog thanking Bruce Jenner, but if it weren’t for his Vanity Fair appearance announcing “Call Me Caitlyn” a specific passage of scripture stating “Call me Mara” would not have spoken to me as profoundly as it did. For a while, I couldn’t go more than two seconds without seeing Call Me Caitlyn plastered […]

The cure for the Insecure: Overcoming the Illness and Infection of Insecurity

 The Illness: What is Insecurity?  Insecurity: Uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. “she had a deep sense of insecurity” synonyms: lack of confidence, self-doubt, diffidence unassertiveness, timidity, uncertainty, nervousness, inhibition  I’m not happy to admit that lately words that I normally wouldn’t use to describe me have become my norm. As I read this definition […]