I’ve given Thanksgiving a second-place trophy for best holiday of the year. First place going to Halloween. The reason Halloween ranks number one in my book is a blog for another day. Why is Thanksgiving runner up on my list? When thanksgiving approaches people tend to reflect more on what they are grateful for in their life […]
Anger: A How To

Anger has perplexed me in my now-loving Jesus days. Tiffany the ticking time bomb became explosively angry. When I started faithfully following Jesus, I was filled with such love I thought I would never be angry again. How could I with such warm-fuzzy feelings from my father in heaven? Adios, Anger! It’s been real. It’s been fun, […]
The Mess before The Miracle

I think if I had to pick a verse that represented my journey the past seven months it would be John 9:6-9. “After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes.“Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means […]
I’ve Had Enough!
For some peculiar reason I feel like I need to think long and hard about the idea of “enough.” I have no idea why, but have an inkling it might be preparing me for something in the future if I’m being made to contemplate now with no reasonable evidence on why. Forrest Gump is a classic movie. It’s […]
Fear of Rejection
Over the years this paper slipped between the fridge and counter at my mom’s house. I still remember the day I was handed this tiny piece of paper. All the kids were chattering about their high school rank and wondering who would be at the top of the class. Nobody had announced it and everybody […]
It’s Never Too Late

When I talk to people about my personal journey with Jesus sometimes I hear “It’s so awesome you turned to him at a young age and sought His healing for the harms in your past. But it’s way too late for me. My ship has sailed. I can’t do anything now. My life is beyond repair. I’ve […]
I like to Party, so I like my Jesus to Party.

Back in the day, I would watch any movie with Will Ferrell in it. I felt like a horrible fan for falling asleep during Casa De Mi Padre, but my favorite is either Elf or Talladega Nights. It’s a toss up between the two. In Talladega Nights, there’s this dinner scene where Ricky Bobby […]
The Man I Met in the Wilderness

This blog sounds like it’s either about my close encounter with an ax murderer in the woods or my happily ever after with the Brawny man. It’s neither. But unfortunately, or fortunately depending on which plot you were rooting for, it’s neither. I was enjoying my “dream praycation” hanging out in my hammock – or my […]
Call Me Mara: What Jesus taught me through Bruce Jenner

I never thought I would start a blog thanking Bruce Jenner, but if it weren’t for his Vanity Fair appearance announcing “Call Me Caitlyn” a specific passage of scripture stating “Call me Mara” would not have spoken to me as profoundly as it did. For a while, I couldn’t go more than two seconds without seeing Call Me Caitlyn plastered […]
Learning To Welcome Weakness

I stared at this page for a long time. I started a couple of different blogs before I came back to this blank page. I even left it for a week before revisiting it. I have a million messy thoughts meandering through my mind. For once, I don’t want to share my thoughts because it’s not pretty. […]